Logansport Church of the Brethren

Address: 2405 Shadowlawn Dr, Logansport, IN  46947-3846

Phone: 574-753-6841 - Email: lcb@logansportchurch.org - 
Fax: 574-516-1926 

Website: www.logansportchurch.org

Facebook Page

Office Hours: Monday - Friday, 9:00 am - 5:00 pm

Sunday School: relationship class 9:30 am, women's class 11:00 am; Worship: 9:30 am and11:30am (contemporary); Celebrate Recovery: Friday 6:30pm

Pastor: Aaron Gross - 574-601-1272 - pastor_aaron@logansportchurch.org

Celebrate Recovery Pastor: Michael Osborn - 574-722-2748 - mvosborn6@frontier.org

Director of Discipleship - Matthew Prifogle - 574-722-2748 - pastor_matt@logansportchurch.org

Director of Youth & Worship: Abigail Abston - 765-667-4989 - abby_abston@logansportchurch.org